Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Tea with Your Favorite Grownup, May 1, 2010

Join us at the Hillsborough Library at 1:30pm on Saturday, May 1st, and share a cup of tea with your favorite adult! Find out how this 5000 year old beverage was discovered and its amazing history through the ages. Discover proper tea etiquette and why it was important for Victorian children to master. You will learn to make a yummy tea sandwich, nibble on scones and practice your tea manners while making new friends. Please wear your Sunday best. Hats and gloves are encouraged.

Attendance is limited to 20 grownups and a child ages 8 and up so sign up early! To register, stop by or call the Adult Services Desk at 908-369-2200. Registration can also be done using the
online library calendar.